Third-Party Inspection for Telecom Sector
Tower inspection – Telecom Tower, Electrical Power Supply Tower, Electrical SubStation Tower, Solar Power
Third Party Inspection Is an Enabler For Telecom Sector & Telecom Infrastructure Companies.
All of you must have seen telecom towers that have mushroomed all over the city.
These are proof of the tremendous pace with which the Telecom sector has grown over a decade now. With the advent of new technology like 4G & more it’s likely to continue the same over the coming years. Telecom infrastructure companies are the backbone for any telecom network and provide site infrastructure consisting of towers, shelters, generators, and other sets of facilities essential for running telecom network equipment. The challenge for these infra companies which deploy and monetize the tower is to Ensure fast-paced deployment meeting telecom companies' targets and ensuring quality of infradeployed. While the companies measure the performance of the employee on the basis of infradeployed, there always looms fear of tweaking in quality in order to meet burgeoning targets. This is not in the long-term interest of the company. Third-Party inspection of infra comes in handy here and ensures the interest of the company viz. Tower, Shelter, Civil Foundation, Electrical equipment etc. meet the quality standard.